Concierge Wellness Delivered To Your Doorstep.

Why Concierge Wellness?

Personalized Care

Services tailored to your specific health and wellness needs. No rushed appointments and no one size fits all.


Avoid long commutes and heavy traffic. Have appointments that fit your schedule.

Game Changer

Concierge model is a significant improvement over traditional healthcare approaches. Every session is about you, your health, your goals, and your journey to best wellness. 

Testimonials from our patients


  • Doctor Isaiah Concierge Wellness is a fully mobile practice serving at any location that can best suit you. Whether you provide a space in your living room, dining room, garage, outdoor space, hotel room or office we can provide top tier service directly to you for your convenience.

  • Dr Isaiah will bring all the necessary tools and items needed for your appointment. The only thing a client will need to provide is the space in which we can work together.

    Typically for a treatment a space by the size of at least 5ft by 8ft would be at minimum. But we are willing to set up and work within any space a small treatment table could fit.

  • If you are unsure about what would best suit you and the needs that are calling to you, Dr Isaiah is available for a free phone consultation and we can disuss how we can explore which option is best for you.

  • All prices quoted are for those within West Hollywood.

    Outside of 5 miles there is a $40 fee added.